Safex News
The World’s First Community Driven Safex Coin News Network
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Safex Developers address Monero Burning Bug
TL;DR - A theoretical bug found in the Monero source code has been identified and patched. The relevant patches have been made for the Safex Blockchain. Earlier this month, a theoretical vulnerability was raised by the Monero community of a bug within the Monero...
Prepare yourself for the Safex Blockchain Swap
This month the tools needed to migrate your Safe Exchange Coins over to the new Safex Blockchain will be released. The migration function will be built into a new wallet that will be released to support the new blockchain. We recommend you review the points below to...
Introducing the Safex News mining pool
I'm pleased to introduce the launch of the Safex News mining pool for Safex Cash. Initially launched on the 8th of September, the mining pool has establised itself as one of the core pool for the Safex community. Since it's inception on the 8th of September the...
Statement regarding the latest status of Safex MainNet
A brief post updating you all on the current MainNet Sync issues situation. Please refer to the attach image for the latest information. Further details will be published as/when required.
Testnet progress development update
A brief update on the progress of development with the testnet and mainnet development, posted by Daniel Dabek in Discord over the past few days. GPU Mining Support Basic GPU mining support is now available, and a self-compile guide has been put together for those...
Introducing: Safex Community Content
We're pleased to introduce a new section to the Safex News website - Community Content. Many members of the community have great ideas for content, articles and guides, but have no outlet to promote their work. By utilising the reach of Safex News, you can get your...
Safex Weekly Roundup – 9th to 15th July 2018
It’s been a very busy week for Safex, with the first iteration of the Safex TestNet Blockchain in action and many new announcements being made every day. Here are the highlights from this week. 1. Community drive forward the TestNet testing Within the space of twelve...
Safex TestNet Blockchain released ahead of MainNet launch
Last Friday Daniel announced the launch of the Safex TestNet Blockchain – a huge milestone in the Safex project and the biggest news since the formation of Balkaneum. It was only a matter of time until the community were able to compile the source code and...
Daniel Dabek reveals plans for Safex ATMs
Earlier today Daniel Dabek visited the Safex Discord channel and surprised the community with news of plans for Safex ATM machines. In a series of posts, Daniel commented on their plans to introduce ATM machines first in Serbia, and then expand...