Safex News
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Understanding the Safex Roadmap – Blockchain Launch v0.1
We thought it would be useful to discuss further the recently launched Safex Roadmap; dissecting each segment and expanding on what we think it means, and when we might expect to see it. In this article we’re going to focus on the first phase – Safex Blockchain...
Everything you need to know about the Safex Affiliate Programme
Last week it was discovered that the highly anticipated Safex Affiliate Programme was soft-launched and is now accepting new applicants. The program, aimed towards social influencers, website owners, and anyone passionate about CryptoCurrency and Safex, offers 5%...
World’s First EUR/USD to Safex Transactions Performed
Today we celebrate the worlds first direct EUR and USD to Safex transactions on an exchange. These transactions, performed on the Next.Exchange beta platform, are the first steps towards decoupling the value of Safex against BTC, and allowing the public different ways...
Safex/Balkaneum to host talks at Webiz Conference
The Safex/Balkaneum team will be holding a series of talks at the Webiz Conference in Belgrade this Saturday. Founded in 2013, Webiz is a leading educational conference about digital technologies in Serbia. The event focuses on young professionals, tech entrepreneurs...
Balkaneum Recruitment Drive Continues
Earlier today Daniel Dabek joined the Discord channel for a brief update on the latest stages of the staff interviews. Over the past few weeks, Daniel and the team have been busy interviewing and hiring new staff to continue and push forward the development of the...
Latest Summary of Safex News and Updates
Although news has been quiet lately, a lot has been going on behind the scenes. Daniel and his team have been working hard to establish firm foundations for the future success of Safex. We’ve brought together the highlights from the last few weeks to get you up to...
[Audio] Community Q&A with Daniel Dabek
On Thursday Afternoon (EST) Daniel Dabek held an impromptu Q&A on the Safex Discord Channel. We’ve managed to record the Q&A and upload it to the website. Below are some shortened versions of the questions and answers for those who don’t have enough...
Safex Development Update Summary – 10/02/2018
We’ve put together a summary of the latest Safex Development Update Video for those who haven’t found the time to watch it yet. This developer update is of particular interest as it focuses of a number of key milestones for both the Safex Blockchain and the future of...
Diffusion of Innovation and Safex
If you’ve read the Safex Blue Paper, you may have noticed the term “Diffusion of Innovations”. The term, originally coined by sociologist Everett Rogers, is a well-known model that tells us about how people adopt new technology and innovations over time. In this...